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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Here's to You Dr.Robison

After a stinging defeat of his taxpayer enema, Herr Dr. Robison is taking out his wrath on Zionsville, where he doesn't live.

Like a little child who has been scolded by his parents, Herr Dr. is striking back even before the vote count was declared official.

It's time for him to move on down the road.

Tuesday, the voters gave Herr Dr. a 61-39 percent defeat of his $40 million+, 7-year tax on Zionsville property owners, and Herr Dr. didn't waste any time before he lashed out at his opponents in comments to the media.

As quoted in the Zionsville Star, he said, "Without this referendum revenue, this growing enrollment school district cannot sustain the necessary staffing to serve the students' needs at levels the community has come to expect.'' His rants continued via a post-election early morning press release to the entire school population echoing the same sentiment. Later on November 3, Herr Dr. did a media tour, again flogging the outcome in Zionsville.

Tell me Herr Dr. where are the students in that Taj Mahal in your western reaches that has been sitting empty for two years, being held as your mummy dummy Mike Schafer described it as "being held in strategic reserve?'' And, how about the empty space in Pleasant View Elementary School that has been rented to St. Vincent Hospital?

As a result of being whupped by the voters, Herr Dr. will likely talk about teacher cutbacks at the scheduled a board meeting Monday night, Nov. 8.

Instead of threatening teachers, the School Board should ask Herr Dr. to resign and suggest he move on to other fertile grounds where he can browbeat patrons into new football stadiums with elevators to the press box. We must curry the media.

What Herr Dr. has created in Zionsville is an atmosphere that has neighbors against neighbors, friends against friends. Zionsville Main Street is not immune from the fallout.

Some businesses have already experienced patrons threatening to boycott certain stores because of the proprietors' stand on the referendum, which would have cost Main Street property owners thousands of dollars over the next seven years, if they survived that long.

So, Herr Dr. I can't say its' been nice after looking at my tax bill due next week, but at least 61 percent of the Zionsville school patrons saw through your shell game and saved many of us from dire financial straights. The people of Zionsville have spoken, this is not the time for new taxes. Now stop complaining and act like the head of a multi-million dollar organization.

So in the words of Roy Orbison, "Move on down the line.'' Zionsville needs a good steward for our children's future.


  1. You should also look into how this has kid against kid in the school. If a kids parents voted against and the other kids find out, they are being ostracized. Dr. Robison is a divider of the school and the community and should be shown the door. His CFO can go along with him for the comments he made at the town hall meeting.

  2. It must be extremely difficult to live with such bitterness and ill intent in your heart. I feel sorry for you.

  3. Please, This vote was about community spirit, support of education, and continuation of rising property value. Main street should look at who makes up the customer base. My friends, family, and associates have children, voted yes, and were regular shoppers in the village. I will no longer support shops that supported the no vote, will encourage my friends to also no longer support those shops, and promise to never, never again take my children or out of town visitors into Carters! I will also no longer support any store located in the Love furniture building. Our tax dollars have provided grants to spruce up those store fronts, do they really not understand the relationship. Drive to the village this Saturday after 7. Very busy place, which stores are open? Do they even have the lights on?

    I believed at one time this was a very special place, I am just not sure anymore.

    The next phase is for the wise leaders to bring in commercial development. Yes we need the tax money to lower our tax bills. Yes those same developers need PUDS and TIFS in order to develop here. Yes that means no new tax dollars, just more development. (are we this DUMB)

    Lets all just buy mobile homes and move into the Wal-Mart parking lot, better yet lets just consolidate with Pike, that should drive our property values up!

    Zionsville has a reputation for exclusivity, difficult development standards, high standards, smart people. Is this the reason we have the cheapest looking starbucks in the metropolitan area?

  4. We are encouraging our children to ostricise classmates whose parents did not vote yes.
    If you check the private web site you can get a list of no supporters, addresses, childrens names, etc. The yes site asks you to pledge to no longer support, socialize, or smile at anyone suspected at voting no. Yes it is true if your yard had a no sign, you were crossed off the trick or treat list. What did you expect, voting no was going to make you or your kid popular? If you voted no, you might as well close up shop and move out.

    If we had thought for one minute that you could not afford a little more in taxes we would have never invited you over for dinner.

  5. What a bunch of petulant losers you Pro Referendum babies are! Your inane promises to "no longer shop at No voter stores", your Chicken Little "The Sky is Falling" cries, your picking on school kids with your predjudice.

    Most of you self righteous blowhards don't understand the wording of the referendum past what your 2nd grader told you. You bought Dr. Robinson's brainwashing attempts and now feel you've been wronged by your neighbors who wouldn't back a campaign based on obfuscation, deception and fear - with no fiscal evidence to back up this crying need for more money or "Susie loses her art teacher" spiel.

    That any Yes Voter would dislike or ostracize his No Voter neighbor says volumes about the hater - not the free to choose voters who said a resounding NO to Dr. Robinson's pleas for more money.

    Hey Doc, you and your minions lost the referendum. It's over, get it behind you. And howsabout manning up, doing your job and becoming financial responsible for once in your free-spending career? Both Yes and No voters would appreciate you quit the bitching and get to work on something meaningful - like the education of our children.

  6. To the "Anonymous" coward above who said they won't go into Carters or any of the businesses in the Love furniture building: You didn't ever go there anyway, and no one cares if you don't go in the future. Robison should be immediately terminated for politicizing the schools and encouraging students and teachers from participating in liberal politics. It is unconscionable that he is unwilling to move to the school districts and eat "home cooking" by paying property taxes in the district. He chooses to live elsewhere and pay lower taxes, while generating policy that will raise ours.
