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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Plan Commission Takes a Fall

At the Zionsville Plan Commission meeting Monday night this week wonders of wonders occurred.

The Transportation Plan that the Town Council had approved with amendments was sent back to the Plan Commission for its approval but was sidetracked when Allan Rachles, commission chair asked for "further study.''


One of the features the Town Council deleted from the Transportation Plan was the controversial I-865/Cooper Road interchange.

Only Councilor Candace Ulmer voted against the approval.

Ulmer did not attend the public meeting on the Transportation Plan, and was quoted later as saying she didn't agree with the process. What process didn't she agree with? Allowing the public to comment on the plan?

Ulmer, a former Union Township trustee, became a de facto member of the Zionsville Town Council by virtue of the township reorganization plan. Now, she's a full-fledged candidate for the council opposing long-time Union Township resident Steve Schanke.

So, why did the Plan Commission punt on the Transportation Plan that the Council sent them? Did it have anything to do with Election Day May 3?

If the slate of pro-development interests - Ulmer, Pappa, Suarez, Hopper, Haak, Schuler prevail at the polls - the developers win big.

With the Town Council in their corner, the development crowd brings back the I-865/Cooper Road interchange, and the extension of Cooper Road north of 334.

And, that radical change to the face of Zionsville will open up wide-open spaces in Union Township, where developers have big plans.

If anyone has any doubts about what's coming there, look at page 22 of the Transportation Plan where areas for future residential growth are highlighted in yellow.

And, also take note of an area shaded in red for future commercial growth - at 116th and Michigan Road.

Guess who owns the southwest corner of that intersection? You guessed it, the Pittmans, and Chad Pittman has been the biggest backer of the Citizens for a Better Zionsville, made-up of the development industry.

"I hear the train a'coming, it's coming down the tracks'' from the Orange Blossom Special.


  1. Davie
    Why you using big text? So Your OLD candidates can read this? They are the only ones anyway. Please stop. Your are embarrassing yourself....

  2. Why do you say Pitman is a backer of CBZ?
