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Friday, May 20, 2011

Who Is Flip-Flop Mundy ?

Will the real Steve Mundy stand up?

Maybe he'll figure that out when he grows up.

At the Town Council meeting in April, a vote was taken on the Zionsville Transportation Plan, which had been forwarded to the council by the Plan Commission.

Included in that plan from the Plan Commission was a proposal to include the proposed I-865 interchange with Cooper Road, which was highly-contested by hundreds of property owners of the area.

The council voted 6-1 to reject the Plan Commission's recommendation to include the interchange in the proposed Zionsville Transportation Plan. Candace Ulmer was the lone dissenting vote.

According to state statute in cases such as these, when the Town Council makes a ruling, it is sent back to the Plan Commission for #1 approval, and or #2 rejection, or #3 recommendations to the Plan Commission..

So, now the Town Council its June 6 meeting has to either, #1 accept the Plan Commission action to add the Cooper Road/interchange, or #2, reject the Plan Commission vote to include the Cooper Road project and take it out of the Transportation Plan, or #3, wait for 60 days when the action of the Plan Commission becomes law, i.e. the Cooper Road/I-865 interchange is back.

At the May meeting of the Town Council, its' members voted to reject the Plan Commission's recommendation to include the Cooper Road/I=865 interchange in the proposed Transportation Plan.

Now, here's where the rubber meets the road for Flip-Flop Mundy.

At the April meeting of the Town Council, Mundy voted with the majority to remove the Cooper Road/I-865 interchange from the Zionsville Transportation Plan.

But, suddenly Mundy had an epiphany, or a call from the Pittmans, and in May, as an appointed Town Council member of the Plan Commission, he voted with the plan commission mummy-dummies to put the Cooper Road/I-865 interchange back in the Zionsville Transportation Plan.

Mundy's gave his Flip-Flop reason to The Indianapolis Star's Zionsville edition on May 19.

``Commission member Steve Mundy - who is also a council member who voted for the changes as a councilman - said his vote as a commission member to now reject the council's action, including council removal of the proposed interchange, does not mean support at this time for the interchange.''


The story continued:

``He said more investigation needs to be done. . . '' blah, blah.''

If there is any investigation to be done, it should be ab0ut ``Flip-Flop" and what caused his about face.

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