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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hey Buddy, Wanna Buy a Town Council?

Well folks, not two, three, or four, but FIVE weeks have gone by with nary a mention by the Zionsville Times Sentinel about campaign finances raised by the new Town Council and supporting political action committees.

Reports of those funds raised from April 9 to October 14 were due October 21 in the Boone County Clerk's office.

Several readers have reported that when they've asked the Times Sentinel why there has been no story about this, the reply has been "That's not news." Really? Not news? You be the judge.

Is it news that over $160,000 was spent and raised to get the 2012 Town Council elected? Not according to the Times Sentinel. So that's why you have to read it here?

The Times Sentinel did see fit to report on some of the campaign finances on April 20, 2011 - just days before the primary. However, the T-S spent its ink on an "unbiased" report outlined in single paragraphs the amounts of money raised by Steve Schanke, Peter Hawyuk, Tom Santelli, Chris Brooke, and Wendy Brant, the anti-Pittman slate.

Nary a word about the tons of cash raised by their opponents and the PAC's which dumped thousands of dollars into their coffers.

Then, later the paper extolled the virtues of the Pittman slate of candidates being endorsed and funded by MIBOR (Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors.) That entire slate won in a landslide.

And, don't forget the managing editor of the Times-Sentinel, Andrea Cline is married to a MIBOR executive, Pat Cline. Mr. Cline as MIBOR's Political Affairs Liason is in charge of fundraising/donating and running candidate school to train candidates for political office.

Purely coincidence or a convenient conflict that you can't find that information in the Times-Sentinel?

1 comment:

  1. How much did The Widow Brant slate raise for the election? Or is that not important?
