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Saturday, September 11, 2010

ZCS Stock Tip for Granny - Chow Down

Pssst...hey buddy, I gotta stock tip for ya.

Want to know how the proposed Zionsville referendum will affect the stock market if it passes?

Bow wow. My money is on dog food. Huh? Dog what?

Over the past few weeks, referendum cheerleaders have been whooping it up - ZCS-Yes shirts popping up all over town, ZCS-Yes logos on school newsletters/website, school board-member sponsored email chains flying about why the town needs it, and little Johnny is telling Mommy why he'll be devastated when Mrs. Jones his favorite teacher has to leave. It's exhausting.

And, more serial disingenuousness - that science and art classes will be cut - all contrary to state law that requires it.

The cheerleader-set even has told citizens exactly how little the referendum will cost - only $480 per year on a $300,000 assessed home once all deductions are taken. (There is a handy referendum tax calculator by the way.)

But here's the rub - the taxpayer's "cost" is after all deductions are taken. That's implying everyone gets them. The main ones are the homestead deduction, and the mortgage deduction.
If you rent, you don't get a deduction and your landlord will pass the cost on to you. If you don't have a mortgage, you don't get the deduction either.

According to the census bureau, fully 19.4% of Zionsville's citizens don't have a mortgage. And 18.4% of our citizens are over age 55 - they are retired and likely don't have children in the schools. In all honesty, a large portion of our population will pay more than what is advertised by the cheerleaders. Don't forget, these residents are largely on a fixed income.

So, gird your loins Granny: Thanks for living here all your life, for your efforts making our community so wonderful, for volunteering in the schools when Susie was little, and pioneering some of the programs.

But, now your toast. Make way for the big spenders. We need bigger cooler things than what got you by in your day, and they are going to get more expensive. Sorry your barely making it now and you can't afford to live here anymore. So hey, here's a thought...maybe you could cut back on your grocery bills by eating dog food. It's pretty healthy stuff. Folks did it during the Depression. Come on, it's for the kiddies.

Dog food futures are sure to go up. Woof.

PS. Remember what Josephine told the French - let them eat dog food.


  1. It's funny how those in favor of the referendum justify it with rumors and scare tactics, but those opposed use actual data to make their point.

  2. David, you make some very fine points.

    What's even more tragically funny is the actual data (y'know the real facts and truths?) generated by those opposed to the referendum has little chance of being fairly distributed and understood by the pro segment who've been brainwashed into submission with these rumors and scare tactics.

    Look into the School Board's refusal to send a member to an open discussion forum, chaired by the Zionsville Chamber, that would represent both sides of the issue to give all residents the opportunity to learn facts vs. fiction.

    Try to find a clear document that outlines the spending crisis calling for $44million. Try to find an in-depth article that looks at the referendum budget line by line. None of this exists.

    I'm now paying over $1,000 a month to rent my property and home based on local taxes - even though I own the deed. The referendum will add another $1800 a year. Wassup with that??

  3. You say that the state mandates P.E., art, music, etc? Of course it says that! But since when does what the states SAYS and what the state DOES coincide?

    Programs WILL be cut! When we can't pay for the teachers and resources these "extras" will be lost. These are not scare tactics, but they are scary. Look at Franklin Township. They failed to pass their referendum, and now they are complaining about the cuts that have been made.

    You all complain of the money and your arguments are based upon issues that are from the past. Sure, you may pay more on taxes when the referendum passes, but without the referendum your homes won't be worth anything anyway. Your home has value soley because of the school.

    Stop complaining, and instead get to some meetings and come up with a solution.

  4. PAC Zionsville Taxpayers for Responsible Education. Will this group volunteer in our schools and work with our school board to work things out, or are they done?.. Got what they wanted. Can we take a poll to determine if it is a political action committee or a political complaining committee.
